Frequently Asked Questions
Did we miss something? If you have any other questions; please email the office at [email protected]
What is a typical camp day like?
A typical camp day schedule can be found by clicking on each of the age groups under the Summer Camps tab on our website. Each day includes a structured swim lesson and open swim time. Other activities, such as gymnastics, game zone, creation station and nature vary day to day.
Will my child have a swim lesson and a gymnastics lesson every day?
Swim lessons are part of the daily program for all campers. We firmly believe this is a life skill and essential to the safety of all children. Gymnastics/Ninja lessons are scheduled 2 to 3 per week as part of the exercise/cardio program. A camper’s schedule of activities is based on a full week enrollment.
Is my child going to be separated from older (or younger) campers?
Yes. To provide the best program planning, appropriate staffing ratios and for overall physical safety, our camp has 11 camp groups. Campers are assigned to a group by age/grade level. There are times throughout the day where the groups will interact with each other.
What is the camper to counselor ratio for my child’s age group?
Our target camper to counselor ratio is 6:1 for the Bouncing Bears
Our target camper to counselor ratio is 8:1 for the following groups:: Red Racers, Yellow Rockets, White Waves, Orange Comets and Silver Storm, Green Machine and Blue Blazers.
Our target camper to counselor ratio is 10:1 for the Leader In Training groups
What are the staffing ratios in the pool? Will my child be safe?
What if my child needs help changing into or out of a bathing suit?
Does my child need to be potty-trained?
Are Camp Counselors required to participate in any training or certification process?
My child is a special needs child; do you have staff that can provide the care and/or activity modifications my child may need?
Do you have a registered nurse on staff?
Do I need a form from my doctor to allow you to administer my child’s medication? Who will dispense the medication?
How is scheduled medication administered?
If my child isn’t feeling well, do you have OTC medications available to give them?
If my child is not feeling well after arriving at camp, do you provide sick care?
What is the drop off/pick up process?
Drop-off and Pick-up will be at our roundabout immediately on your right after entering our facility for all groups. On your first day of camp, you will receive “Drop Off/Pick Up Car Signs” with your child’s name and color group on them. Please place one of these signs on the right side of your dashboard during drop-off and pick-up. You can also watch our “Pick up and Drop off video”
Can I pick my child up before 4:30?
Do I need to pre-register for early care or late care?
What happens if I am not pre-registered but will be late?
What if my child is also participating in the gymnastics or swim program outside of camp, how will they know when/where to go? Is there a discount for the time they are away from camp?
What if my child does not want to come at the time camp starts? Can we just arrive later?
We strongly urge you to arrive on time. We start each day with a “Hut Huddle” and “Morning Rally”. By not starting the camp day with their group, your child will miss out on these morning gatherings that are meant to connect campers with their counselors and build community within their group.
What happens if my child is reluctant to come to camp on a scheduled day?
Our staff strive to make every day at camp a positive and fun adventure and are experienced at helping children make the transition. It is helpful to know why your child does not want a day at camp. We encourage you to talk with the Camp Director. If you decide it is best to keep your child at home, please call the office and let us know.
I know campers are assigned to groups by age/grade level. Even though they would be assigned to different groups, I want both of my children to be in the same group. Will you make exceptions?
We do not place older and younger campers together in the same group. The developmental needs of each group are strongly considered in all aspects of our camp experience; creative, educational and physical. However, there are times during the day and during specific events when siblings have an opportunity to get together.
What If something comes up and I need to cancel a day of camp?
Please call the office to let us know your child won’t be here.
What if my child is sick for a scheduled day of camp?
Please call the office to let us know your child will be out sick.
Are there make-ups for a missed camp day?
We are unable to provide make up camp days.
Are there make-ups for a missed camp swim?
No. If a camp swim lesson is cancelled due to safety issues, an on-land swim related/safety program with the swim instructors is substituted in its place.
Are there make-ups for a missed camp gymnastics lesson?
No. Camp gymnastics lessons are scheduled 3x per week. Make-ups are not offered.
Will Sunscreen be applied to my child?
Please apply sunscreen before your child arrives at camp. Sunscreen will be re-applied after lunch on all campers. If you would prefer to send your own sunscreen, please send the labeled sunscreen in with your camper AND indicate that you will be doing so on your camp forms.
Will bug spray be applied to my child?
Our grounds are professionally treated bi-weekly throughout the season, with a natural non-toxic deterrent. We do not routinely apply bug spray to campers.
Where do I find my child’s missing belongings?
Any personal belongings that are found will be placed in the “Lost And Found” deck box located by the sign in/sign out tables. We strongly encourage you to label all of your child’s belongings with last names! All lost and found items are kept for two weeks and then cleaned and donated to charity.